Monday, September 6, 2010


We went camping in Prescott last night, it was pretty fun! We got there when it was dark so we had to set everything up with flashlights.

Our camera doesnt take very good pictures in the dark, here's Chris and James after we ate our tin foil dinners.

This is what it looked like in the morning

James playing in the tent

He thought it was fun to hit the walls, when we tried to put him to bed he kept rolling over so he could smack the side. I dont think he went to sleep until at least midnight, and then he kicked his blankets off and got cold, so he got to sleep in between mommy and daddy.

We drove down to see the lake before we left, there were signs that said, "No swimming or wading" what good is a lake you cant use?

James in the car on the way home, the flash must have been too bright for his poor little eyes.

James didnt want to look at the camera, he was too interested in the ducks swimming on the lake, so...

I changed angles and he just turned his head the other way. Better luck next time.

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