Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mustache and Waterskiing

James found some tape and was pretending it was his mustache.

He has been taking my flip flops and pretending they are water ski's.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

James liked to run away from the waves at the beach

 Hauling his boogie board out to the big waves

The Three musketeers

Beach bums

James loved playing in the sand

Getting his exercise on the treadmill

James with Papa and Grandma Woody at the zoo

Measuring his wingspan

Napping on a bench

Grooming a goat

Getting buried in the sand

Still buried

A big thermometer in Death Valley CA

Drinking from the slip and slide

Chris getting attacked by three little munchkins

Deuncy feunce helmet

Riding the scooter with Papa

James after feeding the cows the husks

Driving the boat

Carisa Kneeboarding it up

The Three boys

James kneeboarding with Papa

Drinking from the hose while washing the cars

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh Baby!

Guess I'll have to lay off the alcohol!

Friday, August 3, 2012

We had a count down board in our classroom; Today was the last day of class for me! Too bad I still have 6 finals.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

James loves to play with tools, and asks for them everyday.

Looking for bugs in the bushes.

James found a bug and was trying to feed it a rock.

He couldn't understand why it kept running away.

Refinishing a table we found.

All done!