Monday, June 28, 2010


James and I at the of our favorite places to hang out.

James loves the sand, he would eat it if we would let him...what a crazy boy!

James in his sunday clothes...sorry its sideways, I forgot to turn it before putting it on here.

My birthday present, my first shotgun! Im so excited to try it out, hopefully one of these weekends.

James loves my hat that I got from Hunters Education.

Friday, June 25, 2010


30 weeks old and as cute as ever!

7 months old! Sure does grow fast
Today he ate Sweet Potatoes and loved them! His two bottom teeth are coming in pretty good and he likes to touch them with his tongue, he looks funny doing it.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Chris, James and I had lunch at the pool. Chris was even able to get in the water for a few minutes.

Always a happy boy!

He loves to splash in the water, you should see him!

We celebrated my birthday (which is tomorrow) early since Chris will be super busy. He even baked me a yummy cake! (I probably will eat the whole thing!)

James enjoying the sun with daddies glasses. He kept trying to grab them and take off his hat. He doesnt really like to wear it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15

This picture goes out to all the Sherm fans. We ate there just before we left for Arizona, Chris and I had the Sherm burger.

We went miniature golfing the other night with some friends. It was alot of fun, and my favorite part is that you dont even have to be good.

You can see what James thought of all the excitement.

A picture of our family at Castles n Coasters.

James ate peas for the first time...his face said, "this sherm is nasty" but he kept on eatin.

29 weeks old already! I take weekly pictures just to see how much he changes. Its crazy what one week will bring, and just how fast it goes.

James is so excited about this blog that he fell asleep in his highchair, so I better go put him in bed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pepsi and a Bumbo

This little guy just loves his Bumbo, thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Since its so warm here we've got to constantly be drinking something. James already knows what he likes...

Unfortunately for him, all he gets is rice cereal and milk...being a baby is so rough.

We have found that mornings are a good time to take a walk, at 7 a.m its only about 80-85 degrees.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Its hard to believe this little guy is getting so old! He's been rolling like crazy and even has two teeth coming in, watch your fingers, he's starting to bite!

I found Chris a nice office chair out behind our dumpsters, isn't it funny what some people throw away? Now he can study a little more comfortably since that is where he will be most of the time.

We get all kinds of birds around our apartment complex, this one is usually hanging around the ponds looking for fish. We also have some ducks that come up to our patio, James thinks they are so funny!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun in the sun

Its been pretty warm in Arizona, luckily we have a pool in our complex and are able to cool down occasionally. We are liking it down here, especially James who gets to run around (or roll around) in his onesie!